
Line 6 Tone Port KB37 Review

Line 6 Tone Port KB37
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As a part-time, semi-professional musician/performer/producer [you can check out our NOVAkILL CDs here at amazon.com] I have a need for good quality and portability at a reasonable price. For maximum flexibility, I have been using USB audio I/O devices for the past 5 or 6 years, as they allow me to work on my workstation at home or laptop on stage with the same equipment. I was first attracted to Line 6 by the announcement of the KB37 because it looks so incredibly slick and sexy. To see if it could deliver the goods, I got hold of a UX2, which is basically the same as the KB37, without the keyboard. It took me about 5 minutes to realise the potential of this set-up so I got hold of a KB37 as soon as they were available.
HARDWARE - The unit feels really solid. The plastic is very heavy-duty and it all seems pretty well put together, although one of my VU meters is slightly crooked. The three-octave keyboard has a good feel and also feels fairly robust. The I/O knobs [chrome] are perhaps a little loose [it is easy to bump them and change their position] where the controller knobs [black] are very stiff until you use them for a while. It is very light-weight and no wider than most two-octave keyboards so it is extremely portable. The footswitch jacks are a real bonus. The audio inputs and outputs are very good, allowing you to get high quality, clean recordings and to monitor everything easily.
DRIVERS - Line 6 Monkey makes sure your drivers and other software are always up-to-date so it is a good idea to let the monkey look for the latest versions when you are setting up as the CD that ships is nowhere near current [it doesn't even support the KB37]. Once the Monkey had done it's thing, everything just worked. You use the driver interface to assign controllers and footswitches to different functions. It works really well but is a little hard to get at in a hurry.
SOFTWARE [GEARBOX] - This is definitely the best part of the deal. The are plenty of amps, cabinets and other effects available and you can chain them all together to create amazing results. If you are not happy with what you get, you can go on-line and buy even more from Line 6, but I have barely scratched the surface of the bundled options after almost a year. GearBox has very flexible routing - you can assign the hardware VU meters to any of a number of things [inputs, outputs, etc]. You can monitor and/or record with or without effects and you can even record your vocals or guitar parts whilst monitoring other instruments through the unit. You can have a single stereo signal path or two unique mono paths. e.g. one set-up for your vocal and a completely separate effect-chain for your guitar at the same time, whilst monitoring your hardware synths through the unit. Because it operates outside the normal Windoze audio system, latency is negligible which makes it great for using live.
IN USE - This is where we ran into a few problems at first. The KB37 only transmits on MIDI channel 1 so, because we had been using Channel 8, I had to go through all of our songs and change things to Channel 1. But it was worth it because in every other way, the KB37 delivers for us. It is a great device for recording vocals and synth parts and it is a flexible and handy controller for our sequencer and soft-synths. On stage it is even more impressive as we can use it for live vocal effects without having to run our voices through our sequencer software. With two footswitches attached I can change GearBox presets easily on stage and mute the effects between songs.
SUPPORT - Terrible. We had a few problems with the unit when we first started using it and the Line 6 forum was completely useless. After 8 weeks of getting no help from them whatsoever, I eventually discovered that the problem was not with the KB37. If it had been, I doubt it would ever have been solved.
OVERALL - This is close to the perfect solution for us. It is robust and portable, simple to use, yet offers incredible sound quality, both for getting clean recordings and from the amazing GearBox software. If the support was better, this would be a 5-star review.

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The latest addition to the award-winning TonePort family of USB recording and modeling interfaces, TonePort KB37 delivers world-class Line 6 guitar, bass, and vocal tone with the added convenience of an integrated keyboard controller.TonePort KB37 comes with Line 6 GearBox modeling software, which provides a must-have collection of 16 guitar and 5 bass amp/cab models, 30 stompbox and studio effects, and 6 models of high-end studio microphone preamps. And with its exclusive ToneDirect� monitoring, super simple set up, and full-sized keyboard, any musician from beginner to pro can easily record studio quality tracks! Hardware features include two high-quality XLR microphone inputs with phantom power, a guitar/bass instrument input, stereo line inputs and outputs, S/PDIF digital output, stereo headphone jack, analog VU meters, dual footswitch jacks, expression pedal jack, patch select and transport control buttons, pitch bend/modulation wheels, and four assignable real-time knobs and buttons.TonePort KB37 ships with Ableton Live Lite 5 � Line 6 Edition recording software for an immediate studio experience right out of the box.Both hardware and software are compatible with the most popular Mac and Windows recording programs and support 44.1/48KHz with 16/24-bit recording, plus a 96KHz compatibility mode.

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